Monday, April 11, 2011

5550 KTRS Inside Out Show Saturday April 9th Plant of the Week

Well my spring sassiness has returned with the onset of warmer weather, or so I was told on air this week. Please accept an apology my dear listeners for my spunky mood-I am just so glad spring has sprung and I can see everywhere around me the celebration of life!

It looks like getting fired from my volunteer job is becoming a weekly occurrence (much like removing dandelions this time of year)

I don’t profess to be a horticulture expert (those are their words) or a grammar critic but I must have been out of bounds asking about the pronunciation of the word “pergola” I was simply inquiring if there were two pronunciations of if it was a man-thing/ woman-thing since Debbie, just moments earlier said the word the way I am familiar with it-well, should know better than questioning authority- especially on air and taking into consideration the difference in what is funny to them and what is funny to me. Clearly, I still don’t know what makes them laugh and they never seem to know why I am laughing- and just so you know I am still laughing!!!

As I promised I am linking to the definition and pronunciation of the word pergola AND doing my job as the 550 KTRS Inside Out Show’s Special Agent in charge of bringing great plants to the attention of our listeners” (I think I am doing this for His Glory- but maybe it is actually some form of punishment for me and/or the listeners).

So in honor of our agreement ( by the way nothing is writing but can I have a witness?) here is information about one of my favorite Missouri native and ornamental flowering trees, Eastern Redbud or to the botanical name minded Cercis Canadensis. There are some interesting cultivars on the market, C.c. ‘Forest Pansy’ with the spring flush of purple in his leaf, the rather new to me but maybe not to you, C.c. ‘Hearts of Gold’, of which is fascinating option and now newest to arrive, an eastern with true eastern heritage Cercis chinensis ‘Don Egolf’.

This chunky monkey of bush/tree is named after the shrub breeder of the U.S. National Arboretum, Dr. Donald Egolf. He caught me off guard with his handsome buff colored complexion. The even tone of his bark is striking, and each specimen, though young in age, seems ready to overcompensate with an excess of flowers buds. They do look to be the typical shade of purple, not red, as I so often hear as a complaint with the name or the color of Redbud. This is a hard one to argue since I lack sensitivity to the ” plight” of the landscape designer who wishes to wish away such a “pungent purple”. I say to them let it be as it is, God’s signature on His art work, which is surely titled “Spring in Missouri”

Well so much for now, except for my closing question-should I sign off now as “smarty pants” or “your not really my boss”? Since I don’t think either apply completely and I wish to only show respect and honor to my professional superiors and my Master, I will finish now with my typical e-mail sign off (Is this really my last week “on the job”? I guess it could be since two long hours after I was on air, they were still discussing how they had fired me-ha ha)

–oh well till next week-

In His Hands….MaryAnn

(I hope Forrest Keeling got a great response to their featured tree give away for KTRS listeners and Rolling Ridge Nursery had good attendance for Scott Woodberry’s talk on natives! Thank you to all that came to Oma’s Barn for our spring Bloom and Groom series. We had a first, two new cultivars of annuals to discuss that were so sweet, I could only describe them as good as “chocolate and chocolate”. We had a wonderful time and I was reminded how very blessed I am!

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