Tuesday, September 20, 2011

5550 KTRS Inside Out Show Saturday September 17th Plant of the Week, The Pansy, Legacy Botanical Garden Walk and the new Truth ’n Turf Blog

I had trouble again narrowing the topic down on the show this week to talking about just one plant that is great for revitalizing the fall garden. Apparently I have the same issue with this blog-multiple topic!

The obvious choice for plants might be mums and asters. I like both and have used them in containers as annuals and in the ground as perennials. In containers they are subject to winter weather and are not likely to survive. In flower beds, the ground will keep the roots warm and with proper care they will establish, and if they are managed, should add color without much extra work but there are a lot more options, especially with pansies!

My years of managing the huge annual test gardens / pansy trials at Missouri Botanical Garden encourages me to “rethink” the possibilities for visual impact with pansies, an annual that thrive in cool fall weather!

Pansies (viola family) are winter hardy! Planting them now will add color for fall, winter, and spring! This is a long season that home owners frequently forget. It isn’t that our winters are long but that we stop gardening way too early!

This is a great time to consider play time options, look for colors that will work now till Christmas and still be looking good with the pastel spring rush of color!

Think this thru! If you are not a mixed it up color buff- try colors like blue, purple and yellow. These are just a few colors that combine well in the fall and the spring. I challenge you to be creative; this is a fun challenge worth taking on!

Don’t forget all that rejuvenating your lawn / turf effort with advice from Glennon Kraemer’s G.R.Robinson’s Truth ‘N Turf blog. This advice will pay off this fall too! Wouldn’t it be nice for the garden / foundation landscape to be just as spectacular as your great looking lawn!

For those also interested in great success with planting for structure and some honest “you can do it”, reality landscaping in Missouri, come walk with me at 3 o’clock, October 8th as I preview Frisella’s new Legacy Botanical Garden.

Frisella Nursery is a family owned business that has gone the “Next Step Up” with a new botanical garden in the making. As an “ambassador” for my green industry and my sister and my Christian faith who taught me about be still moments, I have been given the humbling honor of introducing the “who’s who” in the Legacy gardens, both in the green world and my world these days!

For me walking through this Legacy Botanical Garden is about, the nursery business’s of family, it’s generational heritage and foundational beliefs, the intricacies of companionship (plants and friends), what’s at stake (friendships that has held us all up in difficult times), landscaping (what it can look like and truly be, in the landscape of our yards and our lives) and what is thriving (growing true, what it means for a plant, relationships, and me).

This is their story, my story, and maybe your story. It is the ongoing story of the cycle of life (people and plants), the survivors (trials of plants and people) gardens and gardeners (young and not so young any more) and cultivating, planting, fruits and reaping the blessings and rewards.

Learning and Sharing about our “growing success” in this Show Me State with my “show me” heart! Hope to see you soon…


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