Sunday, June 5, 2011

5550 KTRS Inside Out Show Saturday June 4th Butterfly Weed And Why To Know and Grow Her Family

Perhaps I started off too fast or maybe on a wrong foot during my segment, I am not sure but if it was hard to follow, I am sorry.

It did seem like it maybe threw all of them off center to start out talking about weeds and then before their very ears , I morphed into a spokes person for a family of plants that are commonly considered-at least by the general public, as weeds.

Did it seem like this was new news to them that this plant is the very sustenance for the survival of our largest and most widely recognized butterfly, the Monarch? (Not Viceroy) Oh, I have so failed at my “job” on the show if this is true!

Here are a few links filled with Asclepias details:
A great pic of purple milkweed, much harder to find

Follow this last link to see the most beautiful milkweed of all. This is exactly like one I have personally. I support Monarchs by growing an asclepias wherever the opportunity arises. I have one in full bloom right now at my front door-wow!

Thank you Devin of Prairie Farms, Grow Native Wholesale Supplier who gets a kind thought with a smile, each morning when I look out and see this natural beauty.

By the way Devin, you’ve made it to my “crush list” because of this grand way I now start my mornings! Of course, I must always say thank you to my mentor and friend Marvin Wallace who will always hold the top rung on my “crush list”.

Marvin of Missouri Wildflower Nursery, opened my heart to the treasures of Missouri’s natives and the door to many people I cherish as friends for life! Hope all is good for you all these days!

Still pondering:

Where was Jim when I needed him? (Exactly where he should have been –sharing a special time with family celebrating the marriage of his near niece-blessings to all!) I know they mentioned it a few times but still, I am glad he went and yet I still missed him!

And, why was Don so quiet- was he even listening? In all fairness, Don was being well defended for his occasional absences from the microphone. It was actually ok to have what seemed like a stream of “hosts and guests” especially since the show was on location at Schnarr's Hardware , one of my favorite locations to broadcast from!

I feel sure all of them sympathized with Don, who was trying to do both the show and retail sales. Don manages Rolling Ridge Nursery and I confess now I am not sure but I thought I heard another familiar voice at Schnarr’s, -was that Frank Blair- if so, another apology is in order, I failed to say “hi” to my friend too!

Well I am not new at trying to do too much sometimes. I am not sure it is even fair to say that was the case. I just know it is a challenge some days to keep a handle on this rowdy crowd that somehow “brings it” each week on air to so many appreciative 550 KTRS listeners.

I personally confess regularly, it is hard to keep this crowds attention. I have decided to feel flattered over the occasion of surprising “quiet”, the abnormal absence of comment except for Dear John. I assumed it was not the “delay problems” we have on occasion when doing an “on location” broadcast.

I want to think Don felt I was able to manage a “full on” pitch for sensitivity for helpless wildlife. He probably appreciated my plea for awareness of our sometimes destructive mind set toward” weeding without knowledge” and surely he agrees with my call to “feed the hungry” (as long as I don’t include deer, rabbits, moles, voles, ants, beetles, tent and bag worms and whatever else might gripe the weekend gardener/ customer.)

Can’t we at least “support” those critters that have been frequently enlisted as “entertainment” and” educationally desirables”? I truly thank God for them. Yes, they were the very distraction that stole my attention from the classroom as a child, but they also were there when my life changed directions!

Although I know I have been blessed with a significantly longer lifespan than a butterfly, it has also given me more opportunities to pause, and at times come to a full stop to take in the significance of what God makes daily, including butterflies!

I suppose I am a supporter for the Monarch’s Right to Life? I know sometimes Don has to be more neutral or at least more diplomatic than me. It is part of his job to tread softly and not offend his customers. That should be my mission as well.

I need to be gentler in my approach when I am “on air” and “on a mission”. I should take a breath at least, try and let it be a conversation. I do not have nor do I want or need a soap box. Yes, I am burdened with too many thoughts and opinions and sometimes I do forget my intent is to just “open the door” not plow everyone through such a very tiny window. I pray everyone accepts my apology!

What else am I praying for? That is a great question that surely does show how I am struggling hard to prioritize. I use to and still do occasionally pray for "deeper understanding" but I gave up on that because now I know it doesn’t matter if I understand, just as long as He can still use me!

So it seemed perfectly fitting that today I heard the words, “Forgive them, they know not what they do”. I am probably paraphrasing some, as my attention to detail is sometimes faulty but it was part of such a great message to my heart on praying.

What a wonderful reminder for me to be grateful for God’s tender heart that softens toward me despite my life filled with so much of "not knowing”. I am so humbled when I recognizing my own ignorance when I see a butterfly and don’t understand how such an amazing miracle could ever happen, over and over, every day, not to mention the miracle of a baby and how I am fully blessed now to be called by my grand baby"Nana".

I am filled with such gratefulness and Holy Bliss! Whoever said “ignorance is bliss” was maybe in some way at least partially correct- but now that you KNOW the good reasons to grow milkweed-aren’t you feeling a call to action?

All is well with me.....and my milkweeds…… Nana

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