Monday, October 24, 2011

550 KTRS Inside Out Show October 25th 2011 Plant of the Week AND, Welcome to New Co-Host #1 Ellen Barredo (twitter link) of Bowood Farms

Season’s change, life changes and now the hosting of the Inside Out Show has made some changes. Joining John Shea, of Collier, Thompson and Shea this Sunday was Bowood Farm’s Ellen Barredo, (check this link to see what an idea (l) girl she is for this job) as “co-host of the week”.

Ellen is the first of three female local green industry professionals that will share the show’s “outside” expert position. John will also have Garden Height’s Steffie Littlefield and Greenscape Gardens, Jennifer Schamber

This three person round robin rotation will address the part of KTRS’s Inside Out Show’s focus on gardening, landscaping and turf care (basically the “Out” portion of the show.)

John Shea will continue with his team of experts and industry representatives from the home building industry and hardware retail suppliers as the anchor of the Inside Out Show and as professional advisor for the balance of home owner call in questions.

John Shea excels in all areas of building design, construction and care, so there will be his influence and continuity to carry the show. As before, he introduce the seasonal home care topics and be a representative for the program's many sponsors and advertisers.

With John’s knowledge of new homes and trends, plus all the types of home remodeling options and renovations he has implemented over his many years of experience, he will sure continue to earn his popular pet name as “Mr. Fix-it”.

His house care tips and his timely home upkeep suggestions are second only to his gift for problem solving which he does on air on a weekly basis. I am sure listeners appreciate John's jovial disposition. He finds numerous ways to keep the show energized, even as he sympathizes with callers and their challenging predicaments and issues.

Fair warning girls, his humor is contagious! I expect eventually all of the girls will get a case of silliness from his sometimes unexpected comments. All ready, first week I could hear a few timely giggles from Ellen as John educated / entertained her and his listeners. I hope all of new co-hosts will find my friend John as funny as he is knowledgeable. As a home owner myself, I have found him to be a valuable source of information and a great asset when making my weekly" to do" check list.

The Plant of the Week feature will continue. Ellen and I discussed a cool, “cool season annual alternative” ornamental kale. This is a favorite of mine for container gardening as well as in ground planting for fall! John was out of the loop some but he will catch up! He is sure to learn alot from this crowd!

I have listed a few information links about ornamental kale, the websites of the new co-hosts and the magazine/ resource, Gateway Gardener. All three of the new Inside Out Show’s garden hosts/ experts are wonderful writers and have featured articles published on a frequent basis. KTRS’s website will surely be updated with this new hosting information shortly!

PS Yes, I know Jennifer is soon to deliver her baby so I asked John Shea what the “plan” is for her sub-good news, her dad John Loyet, will hold her slot on the show. Check out this national industry magazine link which featured John, Jennifer and her mom, Sally on the cover! I am so proud of them! Check out their face book link.

Personal Tidbit, my sweetest Holly, mother of my grandbaby has worked for Jennifer for several years. I am so blessed to have her share in my love of my industry. I have had Jennifer her family and her staff in the perimeter of my family life, they have celebrated with me and cried with me.

I have loved watching Holly "grow"with them in so many ways. I am thankful for everyone at Greenscape who has shares in being part of my "extended" family! I so wish Joanne was here too- she would be so excited about Jennifer, the baby and the radio show! What a wonderful job you all are doing!

Here are a few kale plant links!

PSS Not a Bible quote but one that speaks to my heart as a reminder of how far our voices can reach (airwaves to heaven?) and how as close as a whisper is God when I am surrounded by His Creation, God has blessed me!

" I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in." ~George Washington Carver

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