Saturday, September 5, 2009

KTRS 550 Inside Out Show Saturday September 5th 2009 Beautyberry

American Beautyberry (Callicarpa Americana)-not Winnterberry!!!!!

Beautyberry is a truly beautiful multi-season shrub for landscapes and rain gardens. She is valued mostly for her attractive fall berries that develop from a profusion of tiny fairy size flower wreaths that decorate her branches mid-summer. She is frequently overlooked as a perfect option for screening and transitioning from cultivated spaces to natural areas

Her sweet verbena-like flowers are stacked in clusters up and down every stem. These little blossoms bring in the butterflies in summer and then transform into bountiful clusters of pretty plum violet berries. These berries are a winter food source for song birds and a great backdrop for fall bloomers such as mums and asters. Because of her strong stems and naturally upright growth, she is also a welcomed addition to flower arrangements.

This Missouri native woodland edger loves to stabilize stream bed edges and assist with controlling erosion. She likes moist clay and tolerates but doesn’t require a lot of organic matter so she manages quite well in average soil and average moisture conditions.

She flowers and fruits best in full sun but grows easily in light shade. Her needs are minimal once she is showing annual growth. Missouri is the northern edge of her natural range, so occasionally her branches might be killed back to the ground. Since she flowers on her new growth, this is not a problem. Her ability to recover from winter damage is remarkable so even after harsh winters; she can create a significant screen by mid season. To keep her habit more compact, plan to prune back no more than 1/3 of her height in early spring on years when there is no dieback.. Do not begin this treatment till after she is established and showing good growth annually.

Care Factor Rating: 2 She must be watered regularly till established and does not require pruning when given adequate space! She will tolerate a once a year non-selective pruning to1/3 in early spring before the leaves develop.
if a more compact size is desired. This will not prevent flowering or berry production! To showcase her natural beauty remove only winter dieback or the occasional damaged or dead branch.
She is a slow to moderate growing cane shrub like many of our best performer. This means she spreads gradually by increasing from the crown / base by producing new shoots from the base annually. This makes her a perfect choice for hedge or screening but If her individual personality is to remain defined, consider limiting the basal area / spread of this shrub in early spring before the leaves develop. Beautyberry is mostly disease and pest free. Flowering and fruiting are best when several are planted together.

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