Saturday, September 12, 2009

550 KTRS Inside Out Show September 12 2009

Nyssa sylvatica

Nyssa sylvatica is a handsome moderate to slow-growing ornamental native tree that is also known as Black gum and Sour gum (but not a relative of the messy sweet gum! )

As a common resident of Missouri’s southern lowlands and dry rocky slopes, the Black gum demonstrates the versatility needed to thrive in Missouri’s ever changing seasons. He is happy with the wide range of soil types including clay and inconsistant, sometimes boggy moisture levels. This makes him a perfect choice for energy conscience landowners who want an easy tree as well as water conservationists looking for a tree that handles the rainfall issues common in the span of a season!

He a perfect mixer for natural and cultivated situations such as the perimeter of a low spot or even a rain garden. He is also just as well suited as a featured specimen in a formal setting. He is so good looking, that he perfect whenever more is better! Consider planting your own woodland sanctuary with him as a main component. He is as truly as handsome as he is versatile!

His has a naturally beautiful posture with a straight trunk that supports a well defined rounded crown fit for a king by the time he reaches maturity. In the meantime, his silhouette is more pyramidal as he focuses all his effort on stretching up to a significant height. Eventually he is likely to reach 30-50' tall, though there is an occasional boast-filled report of trees reaching an estimate of 90'. With these good genetics- anything might be possible! What a sight that would be to lean against such a trunk and gaze upward into such a glorious canopy.

He does produce rather small, greenish-white that are packed with nectar for beneficial pollinators including bees. These modest flowers are then replaced by tiny energy snack fruits attractive to song birds. This tree has it all- including tumbling fall colors that swirl hypnotically in the sun, creating a kaleidoscope of scarlet, orange and red in the autumn sky!

Care Factor Rating: 1 (must be watered regularly till established and does not require pruning! Remove only the occasional damaged or dead branch) Perfect for urban situations and municipal park use.

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