Showing posts with label Farm ecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farm ecology. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Incredible Edible Landscape Saga Continues

A Few Edible Landscape Suggestions for the Lower Midwest

( for more suggestions visit the main website article section. There is an entire edible landscape recomndation that was part of a presentation for
Red Cedar Country Gardens spring workshops. It was a combined trip as I also shared my excitedment about the many ornamental natives that are front door appropriate. this audiance was the Kansas City Master Naturalists and Kansas City Master Gardeners. It was held at the Anita B. Gorman Discovery Conservation Center. It also included a terrific selection of plant material. Both list have native plant details as well as some cultivar specifics! Click here for main website page / resources for downloading plant lists/handouts!

Malus (Apple). Gold Rush, M. Enterprise and M. Jonafree
Asimina triloba (Am. Pawpaw)
Diospyros virginiana (Persimmon)
Prunus persica 'Bonfire'
Prunus Americana (Wild plum)
Prunus domestica subsp. Insititia (Damson plum)
Vaccinium corymbosum ’Duke’, ‘Bluecrop’ and ‘Elliot’
Aronia melanocarpa (Black chokecherry)
Amelanchier spp. (Serviceberry)
Vitis labrusca (grape) ‘Seedless Concord’ or other disease resistant variety
Actinidia arguta ((hardy kiwi)) ‘Issai’ (self pollinating)
Sambucus canadensis (American Elderberry) see note on cultivar selections!
Ribes odoratum (Clove Currant)
Rubus ‘Thornless Chester’
Fragaria vesca (Woodland strawberry)

Power Vegetable Gardening (Maximum success in small spaces)
Bush beans (for planting after peas) (starts well from seed)Broccoli (plant early from starter plants)Carrots (starts well from seed)Cucumber (bush-type) (use starter plants or seed)Lettuce (starts well from seed or use starter plants for an earlier crop)Onions ‘Walla Walla Sweet White (start with long day variety from "sets")Peas ‘Sugar Bon Early (an early crop) (starts well from seed)Peppers (Capsicum spp) ‘California Wonder’ (plant started plants) (green peppers are easiest)Radish (Raphanus sativus ) ‘Burpee’s White, ‘Cherry Belle’, ‘Easter Egg’ (plant seeds early)Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) ‘Tyee’ / ‘Olympia’ bolt resistant (plant seeds early)Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum) ‘Gardener’s Delight’ / ‘Better Boy’, Okra 'Red Burgundy' (pictured above)