Saturday, November 20, 2010

KTRS 550 Inside Out Show Bonus Tip Details How To Water Your Newly Planted Tree

This is my recomendations if you have just planted a decidious tree in the last week. Of course you did water at the time of installtion per my earlier instructions Now, 5-7 days after planting your tree, you will need to establish a moisture checking routine.
I did my "after planting the tree" post planting check after ourt first watering to check to see how well the water had penetrated and dispersed within the tree's root zone.
I recomend doing this within the first 24 hours since the most serious damage to roots after installation happens when the roots of the tree closest to the edge of the root ball dries down too much!
Dry roots can cause signifacant damage. Keep in mind even though there are no leaves present on your tree to use up the water, the water will drain away or be "wick away" as it saturates the surrounding soil. The surface moisture also evaporates- so there are many ways to lose root moisture so don't be surprised if your tree needs water!
In our situation we were very dry before planting so we did a 50 Count initially. We rechecked in 24 hours and did an additional 25 count watering protocal with satisfactory penetration in the root zone. ( the only way to know that is to dig down 6-8" at the mulch edge and feel the soil!)

In a perfect world, it would have been nice to have been watering the entire area all fall a minimum of 1/2-1" of water weekly this would help us balance the mosture needs faster and easier, perhaps with less water)
We are now doing a every 5 day check for the next couple of weeks to get to know our site. If the top 6-8' of the soil around the root ball is dry to the touch- we will water!
As starters we are doing a "75 Count Watering Procedure". This may reduce to 50 or even 25 depending on our weather and percipitation. We recieved less than 1/4" the other night- not enough to even count!
See the instructions below for how is how to do this!

75 Count Watering Procedure:

Counting to 75 slowly with the hose running at a moderate rate.

Starting with the stream of water close to the trunk and water in a gradually widening circle till you have watered all the way to the edge of the tree mulch edge- then reduce the circle of water size till you are back to watering near the trunk again. Do this repeatedly as you count slowly to 75. It should only take 1-2 minutes to moisten the root ball and the surrounding soil. (I prefer to remove the hose nozzel to reduce the water stream force)

Please note you will need to be watering your tree throughout the winter as needed. Also remember to disconnect your hose from your faucet between watering!

(see general guidlines posted earlier )

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