Thursday, May 7, 2009

550 KTRS Inside Out Show

550 KTRS Inside Out Show

Power Gardening Grows!

Jim's Top Power Garden Crops:

Bush beans (for planting after peas) (starts well from seed)

Broccoli (plant early from starter plants)

Carrots (starts well from seed)

Cucumber (bush-type) (use starter plants or seed)

Lettuce (starts well from seed or use starter plants for an earlier crop)

Onions (start from "sets")

Peas (an early crop) (starts well from seed)

Peppers (plant started plants) (green peppers are easiest)

Radish (plant seeds early)Spinach (plant seeds early)

Tomatoes (starts well from seed, but you'll get a head start by planting already started plants)

Jim's Top 10 Dos and Don'ts When Growing a Garden:

1. Location: Do locate your garden in a sunny spot.

2. Don't plan an area too large to take care of. Little Time?... Little Garden! 12' x 12' is just fine.

3. Unless you have a large space, Don't try to grow "space hogs" like pumpkins, watermelon, most cucumbers, or corn.

4. Do try to pick crops you can rotate, so something is always "happening" in your garden.

5. Do plan to grow veggies you like. You're more likely to pay attention to those crops.

6. Do plan to use some "elbow grease" for adding organic matter, pulling weeks, watering, planting, and harvesting.

7. Do try to plant more of the crops you use the most. ex: potatoes, lettuce, onions, and tomatoes.

8. Do involve your kids or grandkids. They love to watch stuff grow... and they'll learn and remember.

9. Do allow for fall planting, too. This is not just a spring thing.

10. If a crop (or the whole garden) doesn't respond the way it should, Don't be discouraged. Sometimes that's the way we learn.

Jim's Top Tools:
Long-handled (not bending) Spade
Stiff garden rake
Hand trowel (narrow blade)
Garden glovesHoe (narrow blade or "V" point)Garden hose

Now you're on your way to your own very tasty power garden!
Visit for updates as the season continues!

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