Well I had thought things went well last week while on location at Greenscape Gardens but maybe not as well as I assumed since once again they have placed me on "probation"-ha ha!
There are some challenges working with such "high caliper "professionals.
There are some challenges working with such "high caliper "professionals.
Minutes after welcoming Jim back to the show after his 9 week vacation, he fired me on air because I “interrupted” their chatter.
Am I the just too much for these guys? Maybe I sound too serious sometimes? I have to find a way to to lighten up-pray for me as this apparently very difficult for me!
While I attempted to take a caller’s interest in accurate information seriously, I added a tiny little comment to Jim’s answer. As I turned around I was just in time to see John’s artwork, a kindergarten level effort of a sign that read “MaryAnn Fink’s Last Show!” thanks boys!
It’s OK, I know it is just for fun - so I call in today and surprise, I caught more grief- oh they are such funny boys!
While I attempted to take a caller’s interest in accurate information seriously, I added a tiny little comment to Jim’s answer. As I turned around I was just in time to see John’s artwork, a kindergarten level effort of a sign that read “MaryAnn Fink’s Last Show!” thanks boys!
It’s OK, I know it is just for fun - so I call in today and surprise, I caught more grief- oh they are such funny boys!
Now once again, in an attempt to provide what they tell me is “useful information”, I will try here on my blog to link horticulture information, without their interruption! This segment is by the way, in my opinion, the high point of the Inside Out Show! (no offense Debbie!)
The KTRS 550 Inside Out Show “Featured Plant of the Week”is Chionodoxa luciliae and the bonus add on plant is Epimedium x versicolor 'Sulphureum' - bishop's hat.
We has so much interest for more low care shade tolerant ground covers that can grow under trees that I was happy to include this slow growing but easy and reliable performer as an extra bonus! It also does well with Lenten rose and Hosta!
My ground cover advice- don't limit yourself to one ground cover-keep it interesting and diversify!
And to poor caller Kevin, who was still driving around in a blizzard at the end of the show, looking for the weed control Dimension -here is my "goto" Turf Man for Best Management Practices For TURF- Glenn Kraemer.
And yes he has it and yes he is open on Saturdays, just mornings I think, but call and check and Kevin- tell him hello and thank you for helping out on the show from time to time! I appreciate anyone who knows so much and is still willing to sit with these comics for any lenght of time!
Also watch here and in The Gateway Gardener for Glenn's recomendations on turf care throughout the season! He does periodically teach some classes around town so ask him where he is next and let me know-I will post it here on my blog!
Well cross your fingers all of you who cleaned up your gardens already and cut back your ornamental grasses- there may be consequenses! God has used years of gardenening to teach me patience so I am being as "still" as possible- waiting!
G.R. Robinson Seeds & Service Co.8674 Olive Street St. Louis MO. 63132 314.432.0300 314.432.0388
Contact Person: Glenn Kraemer: gmmseed@sbcglobal.net
Key products are: Grass seed, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides & herbicides for turf and landscape. Turf grass consulting for commercial & residential clients.
Glenn Kraemer is owner/operator of the G.R. Robinson Seed & Service Company, home of "George’s Magic Mix." This grass seed mix is specially formulated for St. Louis-area lawns, and is available in three types: sun, shade and heavy traffic.
A native of St. Louis, Glenn specializes in practical, hands-on advice for residential, commercial and athletic fields. You can reach him by email at gmmseed@sbcglobal.net.